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4th International Conference on Urology

Ahmed Hashim

Ahmed Hashim

Ain Shams University School of Medicine, Egypt


Ahmed Ezat Hashim has completed his Ph.D at the age of 23 years from Ain-Shams University and M.Sc. in Urology in 2012 from Ain-Shams University. He had been a resident of Urology in K. El-Koba Military hospital for 2 years and then Ahmed Maher Educational Hospital for 2 years. He is a Specialist of Urology in Wady El-Nile General Intelligence Hospital and in Manshyet El-Bakry Governmental Hospital since 2013 in parallel with working as a doctor (Medical Guidance and Insurance) for a Petroleum Company PetroDara since 2010.


Abstract : The coagulation depth of bipolar plasma vaporization of the prostate vs bipolar resection of the prostate vs transurethral resection of the prostate