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4th International Conference on Urology

Mireia Las Heras Alonso

Mireia Las Heras Alonso

Hospital Universitario de Getafe, Madrid Universidad Europea

Title: Penile low-intensity shock wave therapy: A promising novel modality for erectile dysfunction


Biography: Mireia Las Heras Alonso


Penile extracorporeal low-intensity shock wave therapy (LIST) to thepenis has recently emerged as a novel and promising modality in the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED). LIST has angiogenic properties and stimulates neovascularization. If applied to the corpora cavernosa, LIST can improve penile blood fl ow and endothelial function. In a series of clinical trials, including randomized double-blind sham-controlled studies, LIST has been shown to have a substantial eff ect on penile hemodynamics and erectile function in patients with vasculogenic ED. LIST is eff ective in patients who are responsive to phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (PDE5i) and can also convert PDE5i non-responders to responders. Th e response to LIST wanes gradually over time, and aft er 2 years, about half of the patients manintain their function. Extensive research is needed to understand the eff ect of LIST on erectile tissue, to modify the treatment protocol to maximize its outcomes, and to identify the patients who will benefi t the most from this treatment.