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4th International Conference on Urology

Dana L Jacoby

Dana L Jacoby

BSM Consulting, USA

Title: Optimizing urology group partnerships: Collaboration, compensation, and centers of excellence


Biography: Dana L Jacoby


Market forces in healthcare have created substantial regulatory, legislative, and reimbursement changes that have impacted urology group practices and health systems. Although group operations vary considerably, the majority of groups have struggled with the development of a strong culture, eff ective decision making, and consensus building around shared resources, income, and standardized care. Creating a sustainable business model requires urology group leaders to allocate appropriate time and resources to address these issues in a proactive manner. Th is presentation will outline collaboration strategies for creating eff ective culture, governance and leadership while providing practical suggestions on how to optimize urology group practice performance. Research suggests that successful urology groups and medical institutions have outstanding physician leaders who recognize the importance of creating a common culture built around a strong mission, vision, and set of values. Physicians must understand the value of developing a compensation plan and cultural structure that eff ectively aligns the incentives of the group in achieving long-term objectives. Principles of governance to be covered as a part of the discussion: • Trust, transparency, and communication. Proven methods to reduce the ineffi ciencies of stymied communication. • Physician-Hospital Interdependence. How to best achieve respective economic and clinical goals through collaboration and integration. • Aligning fi nancial incentives. Delivering cost-eff ective, high-quality care consistent with best practices to produce shared incentives • Quality-Identify and measure relevant indicators • Shared Leadership, Physician-driven and professionally managed clinical enterprise solutions

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