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4th International Conference on Urology

Amal Fawzy Said

Amal Fawzy Said

Cairo University, Egypt

Title: Increased Cell-Free Circulating Plasma DNA in cancer Prostate


Biography: Amal Fawzy Said


BACKGROUND: Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer overall after breast cancer, and is the most common cancer affecting men, who have a lifetime risk 10% of developing the disease and 3% chance of dying. DNA is normally released from an apoptotic source which generates small fragments of cell-free DNA, whereas cancer patients have cell- free circulating DNA that originated from necrosis, autophagy, or mitotic catastrophe..
Aim of work: to determine the role of total plasma cell-free DNA levels in newly diagnosed cancer prostate.
Methodology: The amount of DNA was determined by a quantitative real-time PCR technique, using two sets of primers to amplify the consensus ALU sequence. ALU 115-bp amplicons were representing the total amount of free cell-free circulating DNA. While ALU 247-bp amplicons representing the DNA released from non-apoptotic cells. DNA integrity was calculated as the ratio of concentrations in each assay.
Results: The levels of plasma cell-free DNA in the cancer group were significantly higher in comparison with the benign tumor group (P < 0.001) and the healthy control group (P < 0.001). There was statistically significant association with some prognostic parameters Conclusion: Our data suggests that plasma cell-free DNA can be used as non invasive biomarker in prostate cancer.